The inscription is inscribed in nine lines on a slab of stone from Village Mangaraon, situated 23 km. south-west of Buxar district and presently preserved in the Bihar Museum, Patna.
The inscription records the gift of a ‘pala’ of oil for burning a lamp (pradipartham) before the image of lord Subhadresvara in the temple of Mittra-Kesava by one Avimuktajha, a resident of the village Angara in the Kuttuka country in the reign period of the Later Gupta monarch Visnugupta (II). The inscription is dated on the 2nd day of the bright fortnight of the month of Sravana in the 17th regnal year of Maharajadhiraja Visnugupta of the Later Gupta family. On the basis of its palaeography, it may be placed in the 7th-8th century A. D. Its language is Sanskrit & characters are Late Brahmi of the northern class.