Orientation Gallery
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the museum's exhibits and insights into how historians use scientific methods and research to interpret the past during your visit to the Orientation gallery. Don’t forget to catch our pre-show film that will transport you to prehistoric sites that have been unearthed through excavation and exploration at the Orientation theater.

Collection stories
Gupta Period : The Golden Age of Indian History
Minted in gold and silver, these coins belong to the Gupta period and reflect the glory and prosperity of the empire. These have features of Chandragupt I and his queen, the princess of Lichhavi- Kumardevi engraved upon them, which establishes the importance and influence of the Queen in the matters of administration and policies. The period witnessed an overall growth in various fields of art, literature and science and thus is called the Golden Age of Indian History.

Padmapani Avalokiteshvara
A rare red sandstone sculpture from the 7th century, this is Padmapani Avalokiteshvara, a manifestation of compassionate Buddha. According to the faith, the Avalokiteshvara guards and protects the world from all miseries in the interval between the departure of the historical Buddha and the appearance of the future Buddha, Maitreya. He is holding a flower of lotus in his hand, that’s why he has been given the name – ‘Padmapani Avalokiteshvara’.

Dumbbell: Unique example of expansion of art in medieval India
The medieval period of Indian history witnessed an extraordinary development of art. There are numerous examples of its inclusion in various facets of life. Even the instruments used in physical exercise were a medium for showcasing artistic expression, which is a delightful marvel to witness. This dumbbell exhibited in the gallery belongs to the medieval period and is an excellent example of Bidri Art.

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