The Smiling Girl from the Mauryan Period is symbolic of the heights to which the sculptural arts had climbed under the Mauryans. It first of all shows the influences that were existing in those times on the art of the region, because of the closely fostered ties between the Mauryan kings and the Greek envoys. This is seen with the Hellenistic or Greek fashions adopted in the head-dress and hair adornments of the small bust. The second thing that jumps out is the fine etching of the features, as though the expression has been moulded into the terracotta bust. The humble medium of terracotta or clay was extremely popular in the Mauryan period, because of the ease with which it was available, and artists over time had developed such an expertise in the medium that despite its blunt nature they were able to create fine features and sharp forms. The smiling girl is the perfect example of this, when we look at the restraint and the coy expression of the woman, it gives us a glimpse into the socio-political landscape. Especially when seen in comparison to the small bust of the smiling boy.